Monday, January 17, 2011

Building all the chips

First chip AND built from NAND gate. The first chapter project is to build all the chips from NAND gate.One who finish the first chapter should build all the chips from NAND and test it.

reference link

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Ubuntu 10.10

started running Ubuntu 10.10 in my laptop and installation is even easier than my last version 8.4.
You have everything in it when you compare it with Windows,or you can install with just 'Clicks'.

My Ubuntu running with Skype,facebook chat,Firefox,Totem Movie Player and Synaptic Package Manager (easiest installation software from network ) .

Get the free Ubuntu CD from here

Saturday, January 8, 2011

going to implement CPU and OS from single book ( 152 Rs)

I have ordered the book introductory CS course called The Elements of Computing Systems. . Hoping I can revist the ALU,CPU, .........assembler/vm/language/os .

Course simplifies Computer Science into a single course ( no need to study Computer Architecure , Assembly, language, complier, OS text books seperately ) shot everthing in it . Don't know much about it ,but ordered the book. read below .TECS - The most amazing CS course I have seen!