Showing posts with label linux. Show all posts
Showing posts with label linux. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

How do C and Rust programs differs in memory safety - Example 2

memory-safety 2

Memory safety example 2

This is one of the well known problem in C programming language - Array Overflow.
C compiler really won’t care the boundary of arrays , you can even point to the value beyond array length using a pointer as if you are traversing through it.

C Program

  2 int main(){
  4     int a[3] =  {1,2,3 };
  5     char c = 'a';
  6     char d = 'b';
  //pointer to the array, 
  //usually array itself is a pointer
  // to the first address of the array 
  7     printf("array = %d " , *a );
  8     printf("array = %d " , *(a+1) );
  9     printf("array = %d " , *(a+2) );
 12     //memory overflow , we are trying to access beyond array's length
 13     //but compiling is not complaining
 15     printf("array = %d " , *(a+3) );
 16     printf("array = %d " , a[5] );
 18 }

Output is

array = 1 array = 2 array = 3 array = 0 array = 32764 

We will see how Rust program restricts this vulnerability .

Rust Program

trying to create pointer and dereferencing it below, but compiler catches it

  2 fn main() {
  4     let a = [1,2,4];
  6     let p = &a;
  8     println!("array ={:?}",*p+1);
 10 }

error is

--> src/
8 |     println!("array ={:?}",*(p+1)); 
  |                              -^- {integer}
  |                              |
  |                              &[{integer}; 3]

if you try to access it through index, as a[3] , below is the error

error: this operation will panic at runtime
 --> src/
8 |    println!("array = {}",a[3]);
  |                          ^^^^ index out of bounds: the len is 3 but the index is 3
  = note: `#[deny(unconditional_panic)]` on by default

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

How do C and Rust programs differs in memory-safety - example 1


How do C and Rust differs in memory safety ? example 1

Looks at the below program, how crazy the ‘main’ function snatches the password from the function ‘assign’. We only return the pointer to the ‘user’, but ‘main’ gets ‘password’ from it.

It took some trials for me to find number nine(9) as the offset (byte) ( difference between the “user” and " password" address ) .

C code

 l 1 
  2 #include<stdlib.h>
  4 char* assign(){
  6     char password = 'a'; //password stored here
  7     char b[3] = "ab";
  9     int* username = &b;
 11     return username;
 12 }
 16 int main(){
 18   char* user = NULL;
 20   user  = assign();
 21   // you can just do some address offseting with "-" or "+" to get the "password" field
 22   printf("%c\n",*(user - 9));
 24 }

Output is ‘a’ which is the password here.


Rust code:

In rust it is very difficult or not even possible ( I don’t know a method) without unsafe code to offset the address and get another variables or string slices(literals).

Interestingly “password” and “username” variables are referring to the program memory itself ( not stack or heap ) as &str ( string slice) hard coding in program binary.

We can try with "unsafe " code to do some manipulation on the username address to snatch the “password”.

But if you are making sure that no ‘unsafe’ code in your program , you can avoid this scenario in rust or you will catch those scenario on compile time itself ( that is AWESOME! )

 2 fn assign() -> &'static str{
  4     let password = "q";
  5     let username = "asdasd";
  7     let q = username;
 10     println!("pointer = {:p}, {:p}",password,q);
 12     q
 14 }
 17 fn main() {
 19   let p:&str = assign();
 21   let ptr: *const u8 = p.as_ptr();
   /// you really need to write unsafe code and
   /// do some trick to get offset address of the 
   /// "password" here. The + , - operators won't work with address in rust.
 23   unsafe {
 24           println!("Hello, world! : {}",*ptr.sub(1) as char);
 25   }
 27 }


Output is

pointer = 0x5638e3aa3d70, 0x5638e3aa3d71
Hello, world! : q

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Passing function as parameter in Rust

Passing function as argument in Rust

Passing function type check in Rust

Passing a function to another function is not a new thing in programming. We usually pass the address of the function( in C like languages &function name ).
but do we ensure that passed function performing the intended functionality or at least the parameter and return types are matching with what we intended to pass.

Rust asks passed function signature

Rust explicitly ask for the type of the pass function signature . If it’s not matching the rust program won’t compile.
that means - no one can inject anonymous functions to our function for some extend.

Rust passed function

In the below example , you would notice an extra type in the function signature. Anything in ‘’<>" are generic type in Rust. But what is that generic type means ?
If you don't know the type of the function parameter, you can specify it as generic.
It represent the passed function or closure type, that will be declared in the “where” clause.
P is a function type with signature Fn(i32) -> bool means it a closure or function which can accept an integer parameter and return a bool type value.
fn foo(x:i32,mult:P) -> i32
where P: Fn(i32) -> bool
from the main function we call foo as below
foo(220,mult1); which is a valid call because the ‘‘mult1’’ function signature matches with generic type
///foo function definition - it has 2 parameter 
/// an integer value and a passed function
///return type of the function is integer
fn foo(x:i32,mult:P) -> i32
    /// passed function type  
    where P: Fn(i32) -> bool {
    ///calling the passed function and getting the return value
    let y = mult(x);
    ///some calculation around based on the value 'y'
    if y {
        x - 1
///the signature of this function matches with foo's passed function signature 'P'
fn mult1(x:i32) -> bool {
    x> 32
///the signature of this function not matches with foo's passed function signature 'P'
///as it return integer
fn mult2(x:i32) -> i32{

fn main() {
    ///call to foo with passed function 'mult1'
    let q = foo(220,mult1);
    println!("Hello, world! = {}",q);   
When I change the same program to call foo with passed function as mult2,
got the below error message while compiling
error[E0271]: type mismatch resolving ` i32 {mult2} as std::ops::FnOnce<(i32,)>>::Output == bool`
  --> src/
2  | fn foo(x:i32,mult:P) -> i32
   |    ---
3  |  
4  |   where P: Fn(i32) -> bool {
   |                       ---- required by this bound in `foo`
30 |     let q = foo(220,mult2);
   |             ^^^ expected `bool`, found `i32`

error: aborting due to previous error

For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0271`.
error: could not compile `funexp1`.

To learn more, run the command again with --verbose.
the error clearly states below, which is awesome!!
where P: Fn(i32) -> bool {
   |                       ---- required by this bound in `foo`

Saturday, March 14, 2020

How do we make a C program call Rust program

C to

Internals of C program call to rust program call

One of the main strength of Rust programming language is that it can easily inter-operate with other programming languages.

But as we know Rust is very very strongly typed language. When you are planning Rust to use some of the C libraries , the C type representation attributes help us .

#[repr( C )]

There are some difference in the type representation for C type corresponding rust type.

We can go-ahead and check what is the size of the below struct

use std::mem;
struct FieldStruct {
    first: u8,
    second: u16,
    third: u8

// The size of the first field is 1, so add 1 to the size. Size is 1.
// The alignment of the second field is 2, so add 1 to the size for padding. Size is 2.
// The size of the second field is 2, so add 2 to the size. Size is 4.
// The alignment of the third field is 1, so add 0 to the size for padding. Size is 4.
// The size of the third field is 1, so add 1 to the size. Size is 5.
// Finally, the alignment of the struct is 2 (because the largest alignment amongst its
// fields is 2), so add 1 to the size for padding. Size is 6.
assert_eq!(6, mem::size_of::<FieldStruct>());

But if you remove #[repr( c )] , the struct size becomes 4.

fn main() {
use std::mem;
struct FieldStruct {
    first: u8,
    second: u16,
    third: u8
assert_eq!(6, mem::size_of::<FieldStruct>());

How to use a Rust function in C program.

I referred the blog for Sergey Potapov for the details.

In this below program, you would see the function print_hello_from_rust defined with extern keyword and [no_mangle] attribute.
[no_mangle] makes the compiler ignores the unknown symbols and it knows this function is going to get called from other languages.
extern keyword makes the function outside of the our library.

std::ffi::CStr. Representation of a borrowed C string. This type represents a borrowed reference to a nul-terminated array of bytes. It can be constructed safely from a &[ u8 ] slice, or unsafely from a raw *const c_char

In this example we are using *const c_char , but what is c_char ?!

c_char is coming from the standard library ‘os’ module and it is Equivalent to C’s char type.C’s char type is completely unlike Rust’s char type; while Rust’s type represents a unicode scalar value, C’s char type is just an ordinary integer. This type will always be either i8 or u8, as the type is defined as being one byte long

reference : c_char

then why *const in front of it ?

*const are called Raw pointers in Rust.Sometimes, when writing certain kinds of libraries, you’ll need to get around Rust’s safety guarantees for some reason. In this case, you can use raw pointers to implement your library, while exposing a safe interface for your users. Ref: Raw pointers

use std::ffi::{CString,CStr};
use std::os::raw::{c_char,c_int};

pub struct Point{
    x: c_int,
    y: c_int,

impl Point {

    fn new(x:c_int,y:c_int) -> Point{
//          println!("Creating a Point with x = {},y = {}",x,y);
          Point {x: x,y: y }

pub extern fn create_point(x:c_int,y:c_int) -> *mut Point{

pub extern fn print_hello_from_rust(data: *const c_char ){

          let c_str =       CStr::from_ptr(data);
          println!("hello from rust {:?}",c_str.to_str().unwrap());

You can build the rust program with cargo

cargo new whatland -- lib
cd whatland

edit the file with above code.

also make sure that your cargo file has

 name = "whatland"
 crate-type = ["staticlib","cdylib"]

cdylib helps - A dynamic system library creation. This is used when compiling a dynamic library to be loaded from another language. This output type will create *.so files on Linux, *.dylib files on macOS, and *.dll files on Windows.

cargo build --release

C program would need to compile with linking the .so file generated.

I am not detailing the C program compilation, but it detailed in the blogpost:

You would need to use,

gcc -o ./examples/hello ./examples/hello.c -Isrc  -L. -l:target/release/

Passing String parameter from C to Rust function.

We can use the trick of accepting the string as a Raw pointer using *const c_char
In order to print that bytes into a valid string slice in Rust, first we need to convert that to CStr - Representation of a borrowed C string.

then we can convert that to Str ( rust string slice) using c_str.to_str().unwrap()

How to use a C struct in Rust program

I believe , Its always recommended to use #[repr©] when working with C structs, enums because it makes alignment

pub struct Point{
   x: c_int,
   y: c_int,
  //    x:u8, -- if you are using u8, compilier throws error,
  //    y:u8,    stating "expected `u8`, found `i32'"

We implemented a method new in the rust program so that we can use in the Point struct instance creation.

impl Point {

  fn new(x:c_int,y:c_int) -> Point{

 Point {x: x,y: y }

Next in this example we have a export function which will be called from C program to creating Point Struct. For creating any object, we need to memory. In Rust we know that we can allocate heap memory through Box::new.

But we need to return a raw pointer to the C program, which can be done through Box::into_raw which Consumes the Box, returning a wrapped raw pointer.

 23 #[no_mangle]
 24 pub extern fn create_point(x:c_int,y:c_int) -> *mut Point{
 26         Box::into_raw(Box::new(Point::new(x,y)))
 27 }

C program can now just call the Rust function to create struct.

We need to have our C program included with struct and create function declaration.
header file whatland.h

  1 void print_hello_from_rust();
  3 typedef struct Point{
  4             int x,y;
  5 }Point;
  7 Point* create_point(int x, int y);

Now we can just call it in our main function in C

 11  Point* p1 = create_point(10,20);
 12     printf("Point={%d},{%d}",p1 -> x,p1 -> y);

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Python + Anaconda+tensorflow in Linux

I would say that the best way to learn datascience and machine learning is through installing Anaconda in your linux system.

You can set up your tensorflow very easily .It is very easy to setup anaconda environment through command line.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Naveen Davis youtube Channel

How to make video tutorial for Free:

step1: In Ubunutu ,first install 'RecordMydesktop' software

step2: install 'Cheese' software , you can install it through ubuntu software center. This will show your face/video in the corner while recording Desktop

step3:Install 'Audacity' software , to remove noise in the recordings.

step4:Install Pitivi(video editor) , if you want to combine/merge the video file and audio file (noise removed) together.

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Building android app

I think 'Android studio' is a good tool to play around. It can build some application within hours.

I drag and dropped some button in minutes (but no functionality for the buttons :-) )and simulated Nexus 5 android device.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

10 things you should do as programmer.

10 things you should do daily as programmer.

These are the 10 things  coming in my mind that a computer programmer should try to improve his skill.

1. Try to learn a new computer languages/frameworks .Alteast try what are the features and differences that Language offers.

2. Read different Technical blogs/coding online.

3. Watch atleast one programming/technology video tutorial daily.

4. Try to build applications by your own.

5. Read about trending Github open source projects

6. Read others Code/programs from online .

7. Participate in open source projects

8. Try to find some interested area in computer field and start research more on that area.

9.Write/publish about your learning and your projects as a blog or website.

10.Think about some innovate ideas and initiate open projects.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Try Strace on wget command

Its fun to try Strace on different commands to see what actually happens behind the command. There are some very good options to filter out required systems calls from the log.
The following link gives examples on how to use Strace

one interesting system call is 'select' . I was only heard about 'select' in sql queries,but this is a different place i am seeing select :-)

"select() and pselect() allow a program to monitor multiple file descriptors, waiting until one or more of the file descriptors become "ready" for some class of I/O operation (e.g., input possible). A file descriptor is considered ready if it is possible to perform a corresponding I/O operation"

The sigaction() system call is used to change the action taken by a process on receipt of a specific signal.

 socket system call:

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Strace experiments on Python

I was watching the video on 'Type  Python ,Press enter. What happens'. I thought of checking whether 'strace' can get the fork() system call that he explained in the video.

Unfortunately I couldn't get ....

But i came to know about the write and read system calls when we type the arithmetic operatons on python ... strace log pasted below. Still I dont know where the calculation is happening.... is there any tool to list which part is calculating it ? where is the fork() ?? brk(0x19ed000) = 0x19ed000 ioctl(0, SNDCTL_TMR_TIMEBASE or SNDRV_TIMER_IOCTL_NEXT_DEVICE or TCGETS, {B38400 opost isig icanon echo ...}) = 0 ioctl(1, SNDCTL_TMR_TIMEBASE or SNDRV_TIMER_IOCTL_NEXT_DEVICE or TCGETS, {B38400 opost isig icanon echo ...}) = 0 write(2, ">>> ", 4) = 4 read(0, "1+2\n", 1024) = 4 fstat(1, {st_mode=S_IFCHR|0620, st_rdev=makedev(136, 6), ...}) = 0 mmap(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x7f0206e7b000 write(1, "3\n", 2) = 2 ioctl(0, SNDCTL_TMR_TIMEBASE or SNDRV_TIMER_IOCTL_NEXT_DEVICE or TCGETS, {B38400 opost isig icanon echo ...}) = 0 ioctl(1, SNDCTL_TMR_TIMEBASE or SNDRV_TIMER_IOCTL_NEXT_DEVICE or TCGETS, {B38400 opost isig icanon echo ...}) = 0 write(2, ">>> ", 4) = 4 read(0, "1+4\n", 1024) = 4 write(1, "5\n", 2) = 2 ioctl(0, SNDCTL_TMR_TIMEBASE or SNDRV_TIMER_IOCTL_NEXT_DEVICE or TCGETS, {B38400 opost isig icanon echo ...}) = 0 ioctl(1, SNDCTL_TMR_TIMEBASE or SNDRV_TIMER_IOCTL_NEXT_DEVICE or TCGETS, {B38400 opost isig icanon echo ...}) = 0 write(2, ">>> ", 4) = 4 read(0,

Hackers school

This is something programming students can try to collaborate with self motivated programmers.

Monday, May 30, 2016

How to start with RUST LANG in linux machine

I am started hearing about RUST programming language, so thought of give a try 'helloworld' program. The impressive thing is,the language focus on safety,speed and concurrency.

Rust is a systems programming language focused on three goals: safety, speed, and concurrency. It maintains these goals without having a garbage collector, making it a useful language for a number of use cases other languages aren’t good at: embedding in other languages, programs with specific space and time requirements, and writing low-level code, like device drivers and operating systems

There is very good documentation -

Below is the installation steps, helloworld program . I gave a 'Strace' on the program to see any difference.I couldn't understand any difference :-).. i dont know how to find the difference in speed or concurrency.. need to read more ...

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Unconventional way of studying things..

Sometimes I think that I studied lot of things in engineering text books, but don't have any clue on how the concepts/formula derived or how much analysis they put behind on those concepts.That research or hacking experience generally missing in text books. Sorry ..I am not saying school/college text books are bad. We ( as students) always needs to read text books .. but what I am trying to convey is... sometimes  textbooks are missing practical possibilities of  formulas or concepts.

There comes the importance of unconventional way of studying things..  or the hackers(in good sense) way of mastering the interested areas. Our schools and  colleges should give these kind of opportunities for students.


These things came to my mind when I was watching the below video... 

She ( )  explains the tool 'strace'

I tried 'strace' against our normal linux command 'ls'. This actually listed me amazing tracing log ...

 This is just an example .All concepts that we are studying/hearing should have unconventional way of mastering it or we should at least try to develop it !!!

None of the computer text books might have taught you on, what actually happens behind the 'ls' command. But the unconventional way is, find out some tool which can list the activities behind 'ls' and mastering what is it doing.... obviously it is very difficult, but  it gives you the full concepts behind the 'ls' upto very low/machine level.

Unconventional way of studying things opens opportunities which are not described in most of the text books That gives you the confidence to question the actual concepts or current implementation.

But it will have some initial difficulties and extra research  out of your text books or tutorials. But I am sure that there will be always some supporting tools/methods which somebody might have implemented already or you can implement such a method if it's not there!! :-)

Below is the screenshot of 'strace' on  'ls' in command line

some research on each system calls behind means ..

LXR Cross Referencer to read linux kernel source code

LXR Cross Referencer

This is the best place to refer one who like to know about linux kernel. LXR Cross Referencer, usually known as LXR, is a general-purpose source code indexer and cross-referencer that provides web-based browsing of source code, with links to the definition and usage of any identifier.

I also found the following site is very helpful to start with linux kernels

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Installed wireshark for Networking package analysis


Wireshark is a network protocol analyzer. This is actually nice tool which gives opportunity to analyze  and understand different network layers. Each packet  traffic is diplayed when we start browsing a website.Its very easy to install in Ubuntu using 'Ubuntu Software center'. After installing I used the command and changed to root. I am not sure any alternative way for getting my 'wlan0' wifi internet without changing to root.

sudo dpkg-reconfigure wireshark-common

started wireshark with 'sudo wireshark'

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Planning to learn networking modules in Linux Kernel

I am just writing this blog to make sure that I will refresh my system programming knowledge. Every time when I start motiviated with some concepts , it used to end in a week :-). Now I am going to try Networking modules in Linux kernel. As you all know , linux is like a ocean and any time we can go do some research and learn .. that what I like in GNU/Linux.

I got some tutorials from Youtube to start with the networking modules in Linux kernel.. don't know the opportunities that I am going to get in this. sharing some of the videos below .

Sunday, September 27, 2015

how to write multiple files c programs and make/compile it together

Honestly this is the first time I am trying to write multiple file C program and trying to compile it together.
Details are explained in the below video

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Why linux ?

Why Linux ?

More than an operating system, Linux is a nice learning platform which takes you through some challenges always..

And there is great community loves GNU

why Linux, reasons is explained nicely in this website

Linux commands -

Linux Concepts -

Get Ubuntu Linux here -

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

GCC online documentation

You will get wonder if just see the index page of online documentation of GCC ( GNU C Compiler).
Hardware model and configuration is amazing.