Wednesday, May 4, 2022
Rust bare metal programming
Friday, April 15, 2022
Type-Driven API Design in Rust by Will Crichton
I think that below video is one of the must seen video before reading any source code in Rust language. I was confused with this Trait futures::future::FutureExt when I read through some of the async programs. It is very common that people extending the traits and types in Rust. The "ext" traits were very hard to digest for me.
After seeing this video, these APIs makes more sense.
Saturday, March 19, 2022
Rust- Generic type T is super set of &T and &mut T
Saturday, February 5, 2022
May be Rust can speed Django projects ?
Step1: create the Rust program as library using pyo3 and build the file using cargo build. Remember to put the crate-type "cdylib". I used manual build and copy .so file . Remember to keep the python module name and .so file name as same. Step2 Create your normal Django helloworld App Step3 Copy the .so file to your Django project folder and import it in your file, then you should be able to run django server .
Wednesday, January 6, 2021
Yew App - Sudoku solver
How would be a Yew app Sudoku solver ?
sudoku solver can basically be a backtracking algorithm . Last month I implemented a Rat-Maze problem solver with Yew App. But it does not look visually much attractive to some of my friends. So thought of doing a sudoku solver with same code modifying the logic for sudoku.
Demo video
if you are interested to see the code, it here ( Note: its an ugly code)
Tuesday, December 29, 2020
Rat-Maze problem - Yew app - PART2
Rust Yew app:
Last week I wrote about the Rat-Maze problem - Yew app.
Writing code in Rust programming language is always fun and a learning.So thought of making some enhancements to the yew app
1. add colors to the cells
2. after solving the path, change the color of the cells in the path. ..etc
This gave an opportunity to work with CSS and Yew. I think still there is no full support for CSS from Yew as you might have seen in React. But I was managed to change the color with "class" property in CSS.
Source Code:
How to compile and run:
![]() |
Saturday, December 26, 2020
Rat-Maze problem - Yew app built with rustwasm
Backtracking Algorithms
I just started loving the algorithms , especially backtracking algorithms.This geekforgeeks page gives more details on backtracking
Solving this problem in Rust programming will be a little more interesting. Even more fun if we can build this as Rust Wasm app. Webassembly (wasm) is one of the latest technology that web developers are interested in. So thought of building the rat-maze as a Yew app.
Yew is a modern Rust framework for creating multi-threaded front-end web apps with WebAssembly
Read mroe about Yew here -
I used following dependencies -
Backtracking -
This is one of the algorithm every programmer should try and understand. It will involve recursion and push and pop values from Results.
In my program, "solve" is the method actually implemented this backtracking
Yew Component:
The full program is below for your reference:
Wednesday, December 9, 2020
How to make dereference for your struct in Rust
Dereference operator ( *) in Rust
Dereference operator we have seen in C programming language. Yes , I am talking about the ' * ' operator that we use for dereferencing a pointer in C.
I am not sure how * operator works behind the seen, but the it dereference the pointer and give us the value in that address.
But in Rust implementation is more obvious that the type has to implement the trait 'Deref".
So let's see how should be convert our struct to dereference the value whatever way that we like.
This is simple program to use * operator on MyStruct. And it is only to demonstrate the capabilities of Deref trait, not an idiomatic code.
Here we are derefencing the second field value when we use * operator on MyStruct instance.
use std::ops::Deref; struct MyStruct{ x: i32, y:String, } impl Deref for MyStruct{ //the Deref trait implementation should have Target //associated type type Target = String; // trait mandotory function implementation fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target{ &self.y } } fn main(){ let my = MyStruct { x:4,y:"hello".to_string() }; //derefencing our struct with * operator println!("{}",*my); }
Even though references and dereferencing are essential part of most of the system programming languages, how they are implemented are always hidden behind the language implementations ( in my knowledge) . But Rust gives that insight and flexibility to use them on custom references.
Saturday, November 14, 2020
Callbacks in Rust and Python
Following is the definition of callbacks from wiki
callback in Rust
Whenever I read any web code, callbacks are important part of the code.
So tried to build a basic callback in rust to understand what is it .
I believe , callbacks are basically storing functions/closures in array and calling them whenever required. Actually it is a little difficult to build in Rust because of the syntax and type checks.
But it’s work , type of the functions will be verified in compile time.
For example , if I give x+2 , instead of x +=2 in the below code, rust comiplier gives compilation error.
below code
Rust callback
//create a callbacks list and make some basic operations like
//register a function and calling it etc.
//callbacks struct to store the vector( list of functions)
struct CallbackV1{
//implemenation of the CallbackV1
impl CallbackV1{
fn new() ->Self{
CallbackV1 {
callbacks : Vec::new()
//method to register functions in the callbacks vector
fn register(&mut self,f:Box<FnMut(i32)>){
//method to call the functions in the callbacks
fn call(&mut self,p:i32){
//iterate over the callbacks vector and take a mutable reference
for callback in self.callbacks.iter_mut(){
//dereference the callback function and call with passed argument.
(&mut *callback)(p);
fn add(x:i32){
fn main() {
// let mut x = 2;
let mut mycallbacks = CallbackV1::new();
let f1 = |mut x:i32| {
x += 2
// println!("{}",x) ;
let f2 = add;
Callback in Python
Built the same code with Python as well. Its quite easy to build the same in python. But the type checks are not there . Its simply call the functions registered. I believe this can lead to vulnerabilities .
#create a callbacks list and make some basic operations like
#register a function and calling it etc.
class CallbacksV1:
def __init__(self):
self.callbacks = []
def register(self,f):
def call(self,value):
callback = self.callbacks.pop()
def add(x):
def add_two(x):
return (x+2)
c = CallbacksV1()
Saturday, July 25, 2020
Why tokio tasks are run-time dependent ?
Friday, July 24, 2020
Where is the infinite loop in the below Rust Program ?
Saturday, July 18, 2020
compiled a Rust program for Wasm target without wasmbind-gen
Sunday, June 14, 2020
Pointers in Rust
Pointers - what is the definition of pointer?
As per wikipedia - In computer science, a pointer is a programming language object that stores a memory address. This can be that of another value located in computer memory, or in some cases, that of memory-mapped computer hardware.
Historically pointers become a tough topic for students, even though the definition looks simple. The loop holes behind the pointers make programmers life hard with them.
If I write a program in C with pointers, its end up in “Segmentation Fault”
Pointers in Rust
I have seen Computer languages started introducing smart pointers recently for safety . So since Rust is new language, Rust has really smart pointers .But it may looks a bit more syntax around them. Once you know the specification of them its quite safe to use them.
1.Raw pointers in Rust
Let starts with dirty one(it’s not dirty,just not smart). Raw, unsafe pointers, *const T
, and *mut T
As name suggests they are raw or unsafe pointers. You can assign a raw address to a raw pointer.
These pointers are very useful when you need to assign some port address to a variable in Rust.
fn main() {
let p: *mut i32;
p = 0x10 as *mut i32 ;
But if you try to deference and assign a value , it throws error in Rust. Rust error shows you why it is risky…
5 | *p= 10;
| ^^^^^^ dereference of raw pointer
= note: raw pointers may be NULL, dangling or unaligned; they can violate aliasing rules and cause data races: all of these are undefined behavior
But if you explicitly tell the compiler that I am sure this is safe to use and so am tagging this snippet under “unsafe” , the compiler compile the code successfully
Read more:
2.references - &T
References are generally called as pointers. In Rust,&T
type a ‘reference’. So rather than calling this as pointers ,Rust consider this as a separate Type.
&T means reference to a type value T. You can dereference it with * operator.
fn main() {
let a = 10;
let p = &a;
3.References - &mut T
Since it is a Type , &T and &mut T are different. The first one is simple reference and we can access the value that points ,but can’t modify the value.
You can modify the value with &mut T reference
Rust treats different variation(mutable or immutable) of references as different types
But mutable references have one big restriction: you can have only one mutable reference to a particular piece of data in a particular scope
The Rules of References
- At any given time, you can have either one mutable reference or any number of immutable references.
- References must always be valid.
fn main() {
let mut a = 10;
let p1 = &mut a;
*p1 = 11;
let p2 = &a;
Above code won’t compile with error message
error[E0502]: cannot borrow `a` as immutable because it is also borrowed as mutable
--> src/
5 | let p1 = &mut a;
| ------ mutable borrow occurs here
9 | let p2 = &a;
| ^^ immutable borrow occurs here
10 |
11 | println!("{},{}",*p1,*p2)
| --- mutable borrow later used here
If you use 2 mutable reference, the program won’t compile successfully.
fn main() {
let mut a = 10;
let p1 = &mut a;
*p1 = 11;
let p2 = &mut a;
error message is below, hope that is self explanatory.
error[E0499]: cannot borrow `a` as mutable more than once at a time
--> src/
5 | let p1 = &mut a;
| ------ first mutable borrow occurs here
9 | let p2 = &mut a;
| ^^^^^^ second mutable borrow occurs here
10 |
11 | println!("{},{}",*p1,*p2)
| --- first borrow later used here
4.Box - A pointer type for heap allocation.
A Box allows heap allocations similar to “malloc” in C programming.
You can mutate the heap value using the keyword ‘mut’ in front of the variables.
fn main() {
let mut heap_pointer = Box::new(10);
*heap_pointer += 1;
The above code gives you the output as 11.
fn main() {
let mut heap_pointer = Box::new(10);
let heap_pointer2 = &mut heap_pointer ;
// let heap_pointer3 = &mut heap_pointer;
// heap_pointer2 = *heap_pointer2 + 1;
match *heap_pointer {
x => { println!("{}",x+34)},
// let heap_pointer3 = &mut heap_pointer;
// *heap_pointer2 = *heap_pointer + 1;
// println!("{}",x);
// println!("{}",*heap_pointer2);
How to get the value from Box:
You can use * operator to dereference the address.
fn main() {
let x = Box::new(String::from("Hello"));
Using Raw pointer -
You have to use “unsafe” block for creating a raw pointer for a boxed value.
fn main() {
let x = Box::new(String::from("Hello"));
//taking a raw pointer
let ptr = Box::into_raw(x);
let x = unsafe { Box::from_raw(ptr) };
5.Rc - Reference Counted
We are getting into the world of smart pointers. Reference counting is not a new concept, it is there in Python. If you see below program in python tutor.
a = [12,3,4]
b = a
c = b
a = 0
b= 1
c =2
The python visualizer shows you that the object (list object) remains in the memory until all the references to the object get removed.
Note: when we assign a =0 , the value assigned to ‘a’ become zero .
In Rust ‘Rc’ is a single-threaded reference-counting pointer. ‘Rc’ stands for ‘Reference Counted’.
Below program creates an Rc reference and get the value using * operator (dereferencing )
fn main() {
use std::rc::Rc;
let x = Rc::new("hello".to_owned());
let y = Rc::clone(&x);
let z = Rc::clone(&x);
Below Rust program generates number of references from a heap allocated memory . You might have noticed that we drop ‘x’ in the middle. But still we have 2 Rc references. If you have multiple normal reference &T for a heap allocation, compiler won’t allow you to drop the owned reference.
fn main() {
use std::rc::Rc;
let x = Rc::new("hello".to_owned());
let y = Rc::clone(&x);
let z = Rc::clone(&x);
A mutable memory location with dynamically checked borrow rules.
Refcell gives you a mutable reference for an immutable instance.
if you do two or more ‘borrow_mut’ in the same scope, the program panic in the run time.
But below program , we are passing borrow_mut to the function, so it is not in the same scope.
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::cell::*;
fn main() {
//c is not declared as mutable.
let c = RefCell::new(5);
//but we are creating a mutable borrow and passing to the function.
fun (c.borrow_mut());
fun (c.borrow_mut());
//fun function receive a mutable cell
fn fun(mut x:RefMut<i32>){
// changing the value inside the cell, even though cell 'c' was not declared as mutable.
*x = 3;
You can wrap RefCell(not declared mutable) with Rc and mutate the object with Rc reference . If you are using immutable Rc for another objects other than RefCell, it won’t allow to mutate .
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::cell::*;
use std::rc::Rc;
fn main() {
//c is not declared as mutable.
let c = RefCell::new(5);
//wrap Refcell with Rc
let r = Rc::new(&c);
//wrap Refcell with Rc, even though r1 is not mutable , we use it mutating cell value
let r1 = Rc::clone(&r);
let r2 = Rc::clone(&r);
//but we are creating a mutable borrow and passing to the function.
fun (r1.borrow_mut());
//let d = c.borrow();
fun( r2.borrow_mut());
//fun function receive a mutable cell
fn fun(mut x:RefMut<i32>){
// changing the value inside the cell, even though cell 'c' was not declared as mutable.
*x += 3;
You might need to try these pointers and write some small code snippets and see to understand how Rust compiler behaves on these pointers. The smart pointers really safe to use in Rust. You can avoid bugs that are hard to debug like race condition, double free,free after use etc…
This is just my notes and experiments with Rust pointers.There could be some missing or incorrect information. Happy to correct it !!Monday, June 8, 2020
Rust - Test driven program development
Writing test functions with #[test] in your program makes the code more readable as well as its makes easy to understand the functionalities of the program for others . I have seen that even I can start running the complex projects and see outputs of some of the modules or functions in those projects.
code repository -
Tuesday, April 7, 2020
Understanding hashing and applications of hashing - Rust
Rust Hashing
I am seeing hashing everywhere like block chain, load balancing ,Cryptographic hash functions,Password Verification,key-value pair data structures in programming languages.
So thought of checking how to do hashing Rust and looks like its pretty easy to do in Rust as well.
fn main() {
use std::collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher;
use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher};
struct Person {
id: u32,
name: String,
phone: u64,
let person1 = Person {
id: 5,
name: "Janet".to_string(),
phone: 555_666_7777,
let person2 = Person {
id: 5,
name: "Bob".to_string(),
phone: 555_666_7777,
assert!(calculate_hash(&person1) != calculate_hash(&person2));
fn calculate_hash<T: Hash>(t: &T) -> u64 {
let mut s = DefaultHasher::new();
t.hash(&mut s);
Sunday, April 5, 2020
How do C and Rust programs differs in memory safety -Example 3
Memory safety example 3
Dangling Pointers in C
If you try to free a pointer and then try to access it, the C compiler won’t complains it. But you will be come to know that bug in the run time.
1 #include<stdio.h>
2 #include<stdlib.h>
4 int main(){
6 int* ptr = (int*) malloc(2*sizeof(int));
8 *ptr= 10;
9 ptr++;
10 *ptr = 20;
12 free(ptr);
14 printf("pointer values are %d",*ptr);
16 }
This is the runtime error: I know that you hate runt ime errors . But that is what happens when we try to access pointers that are already freed. We won’t any clue until we encounter this error in C.
======= Backtrace: =========
======= Memory map: ========
00400000-00401000 r-xp 00000000 08:06 6554103 /home/naveen/rustprojects/mar2020/C_Rust_$omp/a.out
00600000-00601000 r--p 00000000 08:06 6554103 /home/naveen/rustprojects/mar2020/C_Rust_$omp/a.out
00601000-00602000 rw-p 00001000 08:06 6554103 /home/naveen/rustprojects/mar2020/C_Rust_$omp/a.out
020fa000-0211b000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 [heap]
7f97c8000000-7f97c8021000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
But Rust save us here.
1 fn main() {
3 let a = vec!(10,11,14); // vector 'a' is initialized.
4 let p = &a ; // reference to the value in 'a'.
6 drop(a); //free the memory allocated for 'a'
8 //we can try to access values in 'a' through reference 'p'
9 println!(" values in a = {:?}",*p);
10 }
The famous error comes in compile time itself
Rust complains “borrow later used here” means we dropped the value and but still trying to access it.
borrow means: when we create a reference to the value, we are just borrowing the value.In this case the ownership of the value still remains with ‘a’.
So when we dropped the value ‘a’. The borrowed reference is also become invalid and we can’t use it later point in the program.
error[E0505]: cannot move out of `a` because it is borrowed
--> src/
7 | let p = &a ; // reference to the value in 'a'.
| -- borrow of `a` occurs here
8 |
9 | drop(a); //free the memory allocated for 'a'
| ^ move out of `a` occurs here
12 | println!(" values in a = {:?}",*p);
| -- borrow later used here
error: aborting due to previous error
For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0505`.
error: could not compile `dangling`.
To learn more, run the command again with --verbose.
Wednesday, April 1, 2020
How do C and Rust programs differs in memory safety - Example 2
Memory safety example 2
This is one of the well known problem in C programming language - Array Overflow.
C compiler really won’t care the boundary of arrays , you can even point to the value beyond array length using a pointer as if you are traversing through it.
C Program
2 int main(){
4 int a[3] = {1,2,3 };
5 char c = 'a';
6 char d = 'b';
//pointer to the array,
//usually array itself is a pointer
// to the first address of the array
7 printf("array = %d " , *a );
8 printf("array = %d " , *(a+1) );
9 printf("array = %d " , *(a+2) );
12 //memory overflow , we are trying to access beyond array's length
13 //but compiling is not complaining
15 printf("array = %d " , *(a+3) );
16 printf("array = %d " , a[5] );
18 }
Output is
array = 1 array = 2 array = 3 array = 0 array = 32764
We will see how Rust program restricts this vulnerability .
Rust Program
trying to create pointer and dereferencing it below, but compiler catches it
2 fn main() {
4 let a = [1,2,4];
6 let p = &a;
8 println!("array ={:?}",*p+1);
10 }
error is
--> src/
8 | println!("array ={:?}",*(p+1));
| -^- {integer}
| |
| &[{integer}; 3]
if you try to access it through index, as a[3] , below is the error
error: this operation will panic at runtime
--> src/
8 | println!("array = {}",a[3]);
| ^^^^ index out of bounds: the len is 3 but the index is 3
= note: `#[deny(unconditional_panic)]` on by default
Tuesday, March 31, 2020
How do C and Rust programs differs in memory-safety - example 1
How do C and Rust differs in memory safety ? example 1
Looks at the below program, how crazy the ‘main’ function snatches the password from the function ‘assign’. We only return the pointer to the ‘user’, but ‘main’ gets ‘password’ from it.
It took some trials for me to find number nine(9) as the offset (byte) ( difference between the “user” and " password" address ) .
C code
l 1
2 #include<stdlib.h>
4 char* assign(){
6 char password = 'a'; //password stored here
7 char b[3] = "ab";
9 int* username = &b;
11 return username;
12 }
16 int main(){
18 char* user = NULL;
20 user = assign();
21 // you can just do some address offseting with "-" or "+" to get the "password" field
22 printf("%c\n",*(user - 9));
24 }
Output is ‘a’ which is the password here.
Rust code:
In rust it is very difficult or not even possible ( I don’t know a method) without unsafe code to offset the address and get another variables or string slices(literals).
Interestingly “password” and “username” variables are referring to the program memory itself ( not stack or heap ) as &str ( string slice) hard coding in program binary.
We can try with "unsafe " code to do some manipulation on the username address to snatch the “password”.
But if you are making sure that no ‘unsafe’ code in your program , you can avoid this scenario in rust or you will catch those scenario on compile time itself ( that is AWESOME! )
2 fn assign() -> &'static str{
4 let password = "q";
5 let username = "asdasd";
7 let q = username;
10 println!("pointer = {:p}, {:p}",password,q);
12 q
14 }
17 fn main() {
19 let p:&str = assign();
21 let ptr: *const u8 = p.as_ptr();
/// you really need to write unsafe code and
/// do some trick to get offset address of the
/// "password" here. The + , - operators won't work with address in rust.
23 unsafe {
24 println!("Hello, world! : {}",*ptr.sub(1) as char);
25 }
27 }
Output is
pointer = 0x5638e3aa3d70, 0x5638e3aa3d71
Hello, world! : q
Sunday, March 29, 2020
Rust Traits Must know points
Most of the scenarios and examples are mentioned here,
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
Rust iterator types
Understanding traits and type bounds are hard in rust , amazing fact is that Rust is doing this with zero cost.