Saturday, August 2, 2008

Where is Edit option in Blogspot comments?

Google search for edit option in blogspot comments, gave a link how to insert edit option in comments. But that code need Admin Number, PID number, blog ID number. ... very sorry I don't what are this numbers ?? anybody can help ?

I need to ask these things blogger ( need time )

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Experience ubuntu

What is Ubuntu? I am searching new answers. I will say this is more than an operating system... more than a software or man made computer intelligence. This is derived from people who offer humanity or allow or make a way others to grow in the computer science world.

see this

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Ubuntu become very much advanced

Today I tried to play video in Ubuntu 8.04 LTS. Then its asked for some file encoding software. After checked them to installation , amazing it automatically download the data from net and installed in lap. Now i am quite confident to say after 2 years in Kerala you can see more Ubuntu Desktops in Schools and Houses compared to MS.Ubuntu gives you the power and flexibility for business, education and home use.