I was searching for how to control the LED from python web page program. I reached in Flask microframework.
Flask is lightweight web application framework written in python and its very much suited for Raspberry Pi board. Controlling the LED connectioned to GPIO pin 7 is easy ,through the python program written importing Flask.
Steps to control LED connected to Raspberry Pi through WebPage
Step1: install Flask in Raspberry Pi.Follow below steps
apt -get install python-pip
pip install Flask
Step2. Connect the LED to the GPIO pin 7 through 470ohm resister
Step3: Writing Programs in Python Flask
First you need to create a python program which actually rendor the html templates stored in the 'templates' directory.
1.Create a folder called 'pythonsites' in your home directory and you can write gpio.py in that folder as below. Refer the Flask site for example programs
3 functions we have written which are light_on, light_off & light_blink
We are going to keep 3 links in the html template ,those are Turn On, Turn Off, LED blink
2.Once you have written this program ,should create a folder called 'templates' and keep our html template.
folder path -
pi@raspberrypi ~/naveen/pythonsites/templates $
html page shows in the browser create as light.html
Web page using Flask:
Run gio.py program using python
sudo python gio.py
connect with port to raspberry as follows ,depends on your raspberrypi IP address.