Saturday, February 9, 2019

Rust macros are Amazing!!!

rust macro

Macros in Rust programming

Macros are a powerful feature in Rust programming language. Since it is compiled to syntax tree rather than string pre-processing, it has advantages over other language’s macro.

When I started with Rust macro, it was taking me to a new programming style altogether. You can easily convert the reusable part of your program to macros. It is called meta programming .

Declarative Macros

we are going to discuss only this type macro creation in this post.

Macros will try to match pattern passed , if it succeed the match proceed with code defined in curly brackets.

How to start with Rust macro: 

macro_rules! macroname{
 () => { }
macro_rules! = is the macro using in rust for creating 
'macro_name' = is the name you want to be for the macro which can be invoked by *'macro_name!'*
( ) => {}

 () is the sytax for pattern matching 
 {} is the place we need to enter the code to exceuted.

$x is Name or variable
expr is type to match for name
  • ident: an identifier. Examples: x; foo.
  • path: a qualified name. Example: T::SpecialA.
  • expr: an expression. Examples: 2 + 2; if true { 1 } else { 2 }; f(42).
  • ty: a type. Examples: i32; Vec<(char, String)>; &T.
  • pat: a pattern. Examples: Some(t); (17, 'a'); _.
  • stmt: a single statement. Example: let x = 3.
  • block: a brace-delimited sequence of statements. Example: { log(error, "hi"); return 12; }.
  • item: an item. Examples: fn foo() { }; struct Bar;.
  • meta: a “meta item”, as found in attributes. Example: cfg(target_os = "windows").
  • tt: a single token tree.

Macro custom print

macro_rules! print_new{
//in this example we are passing the expression which has only one value which will be stored in $x
 //we need to define name and designator 
 // here **$x** is Name or variable
 // **expr** is type to match for name
    ($x:expr) => (

fn main() {

In rust almost everything is expression .In the above example we passed the ‘expr’ as 5 where 5 designated as name

example 2:
In this example we formatted the pattern as x=> 10+10 which equivalent to x=>$x:expr where $x get the value of 20
macro expression passing

Here we are passing function name as Identifer to generate/define a function
macro - building function


macro -apply function to a range of numbers


macro with pass dentifiers(variables)


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