Friday, April 15, 2022

Type-Driven API Design in Rust by Will Crichton

I think that below video is one of the must seen video before reading any source code in Rust language. I was confused with this Trait futures::future::FutureExt when I read through some of the async programs. It is very common that people extending the traits and types in Rust. The "ext" traits were very hard to digest for me.

After seeing this video, these APIs makes more sense.


Saturday, March 19, 2022

Rust- Generic type T is super set of &T and &mut T

T includes both & T and &mut T

I had a misconception in Rustlang that the generic types &T and &mut T are  not subset of generic type  T. It turned out to be totally wrong.  Generic Type T includes both &T and &mut T. It is quite easy to get believed that  &T and &mut T are not part of T .

but actually it is as below

I think below is the proper definition of reference types in Rust - &mut T - is the exclusive reference to the value and &T is the shared reference to the value.

When you have exclusive reference(&mut T)  to a value, you can mutate it and guarantees no other references for it at that point of time.


In the example program the function 'print' has type with trait debug and it is a generic type T.
We are able to pass the &v, &mut v and v to the print function. Meaning the  type check  T  is able to accept the  exclusive reference and shared references.




Saturday, February 5, 2022

May be Rust can speed Django projects ?

I was trying to plugin pyo3 build Rust '.so' files(dynamic libraries) to Django. Looks like its not that difficult, we can copy and paste the file to Django folder. Once the file avaliable in Django folder , it will allow us to import the Rust dynamic library functions to your Django views.

Step1: create the Rust program as library using pyo3 and build the file using cargo build. Remember to put the crate-type "cdylib". I used manual build and copy .so file . Remember to keep the python module name and .so file name as same.
Step2 Create your normal Django helloworld App
Step3 Copy the .so file to your Django project folder and import it in your file, then you should be able to run django server .