Friday, May 25, 2018

Rust-lang learning continuation...

I tried to start again to read on the Rust-Lang tutorials . I thought , i can start with web development in Rust. Usually I directly jump to advanced side of a language and stop it in a few days :-).  Most of the languages I tried that way are ok to start, But Rust is a little more difficult .

For Rust , directly jumping to web development is really tough without understanding the basics. But I am not going to change that method.( really its like ,going back and forth )

Rocket is similar to Flask or Django .. but Rust syntax is killing me.. I can't blame Rust, as it is trying implement safe code.  Rust compiler is so rude, seems like  it won't allow me to compile a single program :-)

Todays learning:

&'static str

"This basically reads as "a reference to a string slice with the lifetime of static", which means that the string has a lifetime of the global scope"

& is familar symbol for programmers, it is used to reference a variable. Generally to get the address of variable .

just refreshed here -

But what is  ' symbol , this is something new to me. it is the lifetime. other programming languages have the scope of the variable. But those languages compilers are not always smart enough to understand the scope of the variables or in other words Rust-lang push to define the life time of the variables for each functions. ( From this, I hope compiler can do the garbage collection by itself)

read more:

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Crates and Modules in Rust Language

I was trying to jump into Rust programming language through Rocket web framework. I know it might be a tough attend to directly start with Rocket without much understanding on the Rust syntax.

I believe I have a minimum understanding on Rust syntax and I thought let learn it reverse way , whenever something comes strange or unknown ,let go reverse and goto the basics.

 So, with that strategy when I jump to Rocket , I came across lot of new things.. Ofcourse Rust has lot of new syntax , terminologies. But since I had some prior knowledge on Flask,Django web frameworks, I did not stunt by the folder structures and initial quick start steps.

but it is really fun learning it in reverse way, lot of new things to understand.

One thing was Crates and Modules. It not a new idea, but it a new term and building it in Rust is quite easy.

We have a good documentation from these from Rust developers.

As per my understanding,

If you know python, we will be using packages there. Similar way we can use Crates to build modules and import them into our program.

I hope below documentation will be enough to read through it and try it.

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Books reading as a Hobby

First of all, I haven't read any book completely apart from normal curricular. But I read online computer articles and blogs very seriously last a few years. I am finding it as a brain taking process.But its worth reading those technical articles and understanding them. Mostly I follow youtube, I need some demo to start with something rather than just reading and understanding.

I don't know I need take other books like literature,fiction,philosophy as well or stick with (focus) more on the technical stuff alone. I bit confused , but i believe now its essential for me to start reading some other(non technical books) as well ( because not sure how to spend time).

But I know, diverting the focus from technical articles and blogs will be disaster for me.