Sunday, September 27, 2015

Building python

I have installed Ubuntu again in Dell laptop to experiment Cpython internals

I have managed to download the Python source gz file from and edit the cevel.c internal program in python and I have added printf("naveen") in infinite for loop in the program.

and I did below steps steps-
1. ./configure
2. make

the make printing 'naveennaveen...' as expected,

but what i am not understading , is the make command do both compiling the C program and running the executables ? I am not clear how cevel.c is running while we do MAKE ?

 make commnad -

Saturday, August 29, 2015

CPython internals - Interpreter and source code overview - Lecture 1

Online Python Tutor

Online Python Programming Tutor

First time I am seeing the very nice online tutor for Python

After writing the code , when you click on the Forward button , the flow of the statement can be seen in the program listing , at the same time variables values are listing in the right side.. its interesting .. Try this below